Upstairs Solutions LLC is the premier online training provider in senior care. They needed to redesign their website to be branded across the board and incorporate the use of their training mascot Professor Maxwell. Maxwell is now well integrated into the site from welcoming you on their home page in their flash sequence introduction to buttons and icons throughout the site. Also, important was to increase the ease of navigation and make sure that additional tutorials and audio within the site was also kept within branded webpages.
Additionally we added testimonials, under "True

Stories" that let the visitor learn more about success with the online training programs they offer. All of the headings on each page are in the form of a question to engage the reader, but also because learning involved asking questions and getting answers - which is what Upstairs Solutions is all about.
YELLmedia, Inc. redesigned the website, enhanced the intro flash movie, tested and uploaded the site, and assissted with copy.